Temporary closure of in person classes
As per the announcement today by Jason Kenny and Dr. Hinshaw, we will be closing our doors to in person classes starting Friday, November 12 2020.We will plan to reopen our doors again on Monday, November 30th.In the meantime, we will continue to offer all of our in person classes through zoom, including this evening, Thursday November 12th.
We will no longer be holding a formal parent observation, however we invite you to join your children in your living room in the coming weeks to watch them instead.
We have been preparing to make this shift to zoom since our reopening and will be delivering your classes with our equipment here in the studio in order to give you the best quality experience possible. I would also like to share some tips with you that will help to make your home zoom experience as enjoyable as possible:
- Create a safe and special dance space! Help your child pick a space in your house that has room to move and feels like their own special studio space, even if it’s just for while their class is in session. Clear the floor, move furniture if possible, hang inspiring pictures or words on the walls! When possible, discourage your child from streaming their class in their room or other small space.
- Open up your bandwidth during class time. Make sure that no one in the household is streaming video or downloading big files during class time. In addition, close any background programs that may be slowing your device down.
- Adhere to your class dress code. Discipline is an important part of dance and this is a great way to continue to practice it at home. It helps your mind prepare for class and helps your teacher give you the best feedback possible.
As a reminder, all students in the Preschool, Jazz/Acro, Ballet/Tap and Primary Acro/Acro 1 must have a parent present during class time to ensure that the students stay as engaged and safe in the class as possible. We also ask that parents of all acro students be either in the room or near by for safety monitoring.
We appreciate everyone’s love and support during this time! Please remember to do your part and limit your contact with others to slow the community spread, so that we can get back to the studio as soon as possible.
Thank you,
Erin Feltham and the Invitation To Dance Team